LISO Conference Registration Form


Last/Surname: __________________First/Primary_________________________

Affiliation/Institution :__________________________

Please check: student $15: ____  faculty or other (please specify) $20:_________

Street Address 1: ________________________________

Street Address 2: ________________________________

City:__________________ State:________ Zip:________ Country:________________

E-mail: ______________________  Phone: (_____)  ______-____________

On which date(s) do you plan to participate in the conference (Please see the LISO 2005 Conference website for exact times and locations of each event)

Thursday, May 12 (Graduate students ONLY- please specify):*

 Workshop with Paul Drew:_____     Workshop with Lanita Jacobs-Huey:_____

 Workshop with Michael Silverstein:_____  Workshop with Catherine Snow:____

*The workshops have a 25 person limit so register early to ensure a spot!

Opening Night Reception on Thursday, May 12 (Open to everyone):______

Conference sessions: Friday, May 13: _______Saturday, May 14:_______

Friday Night Dinner:____________

Do you need sign language interpretation services or other special services? If so, please specify: ______________________________________________

Note: Availability of interpretation services is contingent upon pre-registration and budget constraints.

How did you hear about the LISO Conference?___________________________

Mail completed form and check made out to "OSL LISO Conference" to:          

                 Valerie Sultan, LISO Treasurer
                Department of Linguistics
             3607 South Hall
 UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3100