Call for Papers: January 15th 2007
This year we are accepting submissions by e-mail only. The 500 word abstract should be sent to with "Conference Submission" in the subject line. The abstract should be attached in Rich Text Format (.rtf), and should contain no information that identifies the author(s). In a second attached document, please include the following information:
Name(s) of author(s)
Affiliation(s) of author(s)
Email address(es) of the author(s)
Title of the paper
A note indicating equipment requirements
Additional comments
In the case of an abstract longer than 500 words, only the first 500 words will be read. Papers will be selected based on evaluation of the anonymous abstract. In your abstract, make sure to clearly state the main point or argument of the paper. Briefly discuss the problem or research question situated by reference to previous research and by the work's relevance to developments in your field. The 500 word abstract must include a short data excerpt with a brief analysis to support your argument. State your conclusions, however tentative.
Deadline for email submission and receipt of abstracts is January 15, 2007. Late submissions will not be accepted. Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance will be sent via email by March 31, 2007.
Submission and questions can be sent to:
the Annual LISO/CLIC Conference:
The annual conference promotes interdisciplinary
research and discussion in the analysis of naturally occurring
human interaction. Papers will be presented by national and
international scholars on a variety of topics in the study of
language, interaction, and culture. The papers primarily employ
analysis of naturally occurring data drawing from methodologies
that include conversation analysis, discourse analysis,
ethnographic methods, ethnomethodology, interactional linguistics,
and interactional sociolinguistics.
The Conference is jointly
organized and sponsored by the Language, Interaction, and Social
Organization (LISO) group and the Center for Language,
Interaction, and Culture (CLIC).
LISO is an interdisciplinary faculty and graduate student
organization located on the campus of the University of California,
Santa Barbara. whose members share an interest in the analysis of
recorded social interaction through various approaches, including
conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, and
functional linguistics. LISO is composed of faculty and graduate
students from linguistics, sociology, and education, among other
departments. LISO offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. emphasis and
hosts colloquia sharing the diverse research of these fields.
CLIC is located at the University of California, Los Angeles. The
purpose of CLIC is to promote cross-disciplinary discussion about
issues regarding language as a complex resource for thinking and
acting in the world. CLIC is composed of faculty and graduate
students from anthropology, applied linguistics, education,
psychology, and sociology.
Special Theme Symposium
Language and the Body in a Material World
On Sunday, May 20, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., immediately following the LISO conference, the Second LISO Symposium: Language and the Body in a Material World will be held in HSSB 6020, UCSB, featuring a series of data presentations by the LISO invited speakers and commentary by leading interactional researchers. For more information, visit the Symposium website.
This conference has been sponsored in part by the
following organizations:
School of Education, Department of
Linguistics, Department of Sociology, Department of Anthropology, Women's Studies Program, Graduate Division, Interdisciplinary Humanities
Center, the Associated Students Board, and the Graduate Student Association
CLIC Graduate Student Association