Transcribing Now

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
University of California, Santa Barbara
Sunday, May 15, 2005

A symposium in association with the annual LISO conference
Organized by Mary Bucholtz (
and John Du Bois (

program | directions | accommodations | materials


Audio and textual materials related to the Transcribing Now symposium are available here. New materials will be added as they become available; please check back.

Note: To play an audio file, click its link. To download an audio file, right-click its link.

Comparison of transcription systems with a common recording

The afternoon panel discussion provides a comparison of different transcription systems based on a common recording. The audio materials for the panel discussion may be downloaded here. Symposium participants and interested others are invited to transcribe these materials according to their usual transcription system; transcripts presented by panelists will be posted following the symposium.


Du Bois, John W., Chafe, Wallace L., Meyer, Charles, and Thompson, Sandra A. 2000. Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English, Part 1. ISBN 1-58563-164-7. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium.

Du Bois, John W., Chafe, Wallace L., Meyer, Charles, Thompson, Sandra A., and Martey, Nii. 2003. Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English, Part 2. ISBN 1-58563-272-4. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium.

Transcription conventions

Du Bois, John W., Cumming, Susanna, Schuetze-Coburn, Stephan, and Paolino, Danae. 1992. Discourse transcription. Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics 4:1-225.

Du Bois, John W., Schuetze-Coburn, Stephan, Cumming, Susanna, and Paolino, Danae. 1993. Outline of discourse transcription. In Talking data: Transcription and coding in discourse research, eds. Jane A. Edwards and Martin D. Lampert, 45-89. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Excerpt: X1
Discourse #: SBC015
Title: Deadly Diseases
Audio file: sbc015.wav
Excerpt audio WAV format: X1_SBC015_0862-94.wav
Excerpt audio MP3 format: X1_SBC015_0862-94.mp3
Start time: 862.574875
End time: 893.039456
Length: 31.312109
1st participant: JOANNE
2nd participant: KEN
3rd participant: LENORE

Excerpt: X2
Discourse #: SBC015
Title: Deadly Diseases
Audio file: sbc015.wav
Excerpt audio MP3 format: X2_SBC015_1471-1500.mp3
Start time: 1,471.216327
End time: 1,499.848163
Length: 28.631837
1st participant: KEN
2nd participant: JOANNE

Excerpt: X3
Discourse #: SBC006
Title: Cuz
Audio file: SBC006.WAV
Excerpt audio MP3 format: X3_SBC006_0039-76.mp3
Start time: 39.566803
End time: 75.418413
Length: 35.851610
1st participant: ALINA
2nd participant: LENORE

Excerpt: X4
Discourse #: SBC006
Title: Cuz
Audio file: SBC006.WAV
Excerpt audio MP3 format: X4_SBC006_0728-83.mp3
Start time: 728.961950
End time: 782.117732
Length: 53.155782
1st participant: LENORE (“is she working”)
2nd participant: ALINA (“you can’t”)

Excerpt: X5
Discourse #: SBC015
Title: Deadly Diseases
Audio file: sbc015.wav
Excerpt audio MP3 format: X5_SBC015_1384-1432.mp3
Start time: 1,384.112880
End time: 1,431.243175
Length: 47.130295
1st participant: KEN
2nd participant: JOANNE
3rd participant: LENORE